Friday, January 28, 2011

Puppy Power?

Good morning and happy Friday to everyone!

If you are fan of old-school cartoons, you know about Scrappy-Doo.  Scrappy-Doo loved to say, "Puppy Power!" on just about every episode of Scooby-Doo.  It's pretty obvious he took lots of pride of being a dog and felt quite empowered.  After the fact, he went after some ghostly phantom or figure who would eventually  exclaim, "I would've gotten away with it if not for you pesky kids."  That's how it worked in cartoon land, but the real world is somewhat different.

Our dog friends generally don't talk or chase after ghosts of old seas captains or vampires, but what they do bring to the table is a sense of comfort and calm.  A different sort of puppy power.

My grandmother is 91 years old.  She's just about the toughest lady I've ever met and pretty much is the only real evidence I have of being part of my family (as we act very similar and share certain opinions).  Unfortunately, a few weeks ago she took a fall and broke her hip.

The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful and scary, but the good new is, she had surgery that went great and is currently rehabbing.  She's tough as hell and already walking.  That being said, she's out of her element and stuck in a room all day with a stranger.  She misses home and especially misses my mom's poodle, Buddy, who lives upstairs from her.  Well, we changed that.

The rehab center she's staying in allows dogs to visit and we took Buddy up yesterday to see her.  Her face lit up and she was so happy to have the visit.  It totally lifted her spirits.

I did some digging online and came across this article that I found quite interesting and I think you will, too.  It's about the positive results animals can bring to their owners.  CLICK HERE to view the piece.

Anyhow, its going to be a few weeks before grandma is back at home, but she's doing great and Buddy is definitely going to be making several more appearances at the rehab center.

Go grandma!

In other news, we have a great comedy fundraiser coming up soon....come on down for a great cause!



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